My latest tweet: I ordered myself a cheap wine rack at the weekend from Amazon Nothing special but will do the job.

The Blog

February 2012 Niche Site Income Report
March 1st, 2012Money, Niche Sites, ReportsAdem 15 Comments

I?m happy to say that last month I managed to achieve one of my aims for 2012 by earning £500 in one month, and to be exact I can report that I earned £501.29 in February from my online niche sites which is just under US$800. When I wrote my aims at the beginning of [...]

January 2012 Income Report
February 1st, 2012Niche Sites, ReportsAdem 14 Comments

It?s that time of the month when I reveal how I?m doing with my niche sites and how much money I?ve made. These figures are gross and so don?t include any expenditures such as domains, hosting, etc, and most importantly tax, and I thought it was important to let you know that. I haven?t had [...]

Google AdSense vs Amazon Associates
January 18th, 2012Money, Niche SitesAdem 1 Comments

Over the past month I have created a couple of websites focusing on Amazon Associates as the income generator rather than Google Adsense which I?ve used on my sites so far, and I though I would give you an update on my learnings so far. Google AdSense I?ve been using Google AdSense as my main [...]

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